Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Baby Update - First Trimester

So many of you saw my Valentines Day Announcement:Photo: Candy and flowers are nothing compared to getting to hear the heartbeat of this little one today! Bo and I are so excited about the coming months! Happy Valentine's Day!

I will be 14 weeks on Friday and cannot believe how fast the first trimester has flown.  We found out a few days before Christmas and couldn't resist telling our parents!  We acted like we had a special Christmas gift for them.  In the bag was a frame with this photo: 

Their reaction was priceless!  But of course I had to swear them to secrecy since I was only about 5 weeks along at that point. 

So far I have felt pretty good - As long as I eat first thing in the mornings and don't get around any nasty smells, the nausea has been to a minimum.  I was expecting to be a lot more tired but that hasn't been terrible either - granted going to bed at 9 pm should help with that.  

So here are the 'typical questions' - Oh and I am due August 30 (yay for a Big, Hot Summer!) 

How far along: 13 weeks 
Total weight gain: none 
Maternity clothes: my work pants are tight and my friend, Karlla gave me a box of her maternity clothes- so I have been wearing a few pair of pants.   They are so comfy I may never go back to normal pants again after the baby is born. 
Stretch marks: nope not yet but I am using Burt's Bees Momma Bee Belly Butter to *hopefully* prevent some of that. 
Sleep: great.  get up 1 time to use the bathroom. 
Miss anything: Wine! - and deli meat (although I have had it a few times)
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: Nope!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I was having an aversion to Salad but that seems to be better now. Pork was not appetizing but that has been a few weeks ago. 
Have you started to show yet: I have a 'mini' bump but if you didn't know me you wouldn't see it. 
Gender: We find out March 27
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Looking forward to: March 27 to find out the gender!

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